
A manual treatment method

that can be used to identify and treat blockages in the organism that can affect all structures of the human body.

It requires specific skills, a thorough knowledge of the functioning of the human body and the interactions between each of its systems.
It prevents and treats many physical disorders and also works on a nervous, functional and psychological level. It helps everyone to responsibly and autonomously manage their “life resource” for daily well-being.

Through specific palpatory tests, the osteopath examines the body in search of areas that may be affecting your health. The osteopath’s hands search for, find and harmonize all structures that are disturbed in their mobility


Osteopathy at any age

The osteopath selects the technique that is best suited to the individual patient. This depends, among other things, on the patient’s age, constitution and the area of the body to be corrected. Osteopathy is suitable for babies, children, adults and older people.

This is a treatment that involves the entire body from head to toe.
Osteopathy is interested in all major systems of the organism:
Any trauma, physical or emotional, old or unnoticed, can have painful consequences even several years later. The osteopath makes everyone aware that they are responsible for their own health capital.

But osteopathy is much more than just a holistic technique

Our body tells a deeper story.

The Art of Bodylistening

When the body is listened to deeply, it can relax and find balance, calm, peaceful expansiveness and strength.

The healing art of listening and speaking to the body through the hands.

This is more than just osteopathy …

Emotional injury can become lodged in the body. This in turn can lead to tissue restrictions and physical complaints. At first glance, it looks like a physical symptom with a physical cause. But the body tells a different story. It is therefore quite possible that emotions are released through osteopathic treatment.

We now know that there is an emotion behind every physical symptom. In holistic therapy, we no longer make a distinction here. Body and emotion go side by side here.